

TIme: 169min

Year released: 2014

Director:  Christopher Nolan

Actors:   Matthew McConaugheyAnne HathawayJessica Chastain and others

Writer:  Jonathan NolanChristopher Nolan

Music: Hans Zimmer

Counrty: USA/UK


Earth’s future has been riddled by disasters, famines, and droughts. There is only one way to ensure mankind’s survival: Interstellar travel. A newly discovered wormhole in the far reaches of our solar system allows a team of astronauts to go where no man has gone before, a planet that may have the right environment to sustain human life.

Source: IMDb

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Write It down!

A long film.. worth watching

Great Film. It gives you food for thought in the end. A long film though(169min!!). However, you won’t get bored due to the interesting scenario and the fact that you always alert. A special intro and ending will cause to you good feelings!

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