Hell or High Waters


Time: 102min

Year released: 2016

Director: David Mackenzie

Actors: Jeff Bridges, Chris Pine, Ben Foster and others

Writer: Taylor Sheridan

Country: USA


In Texas, after the death of his mother, the unemployed oil and gas worker Toby Howard is losing his ranch to the Texas Midlands Bank. Toby is divorced from his wife who lives with their two sons. When his brother Tanner Howard is released from prison, they team up to rob agencies of the Texas Midlands Bank to raise money to pay the loan so that Toby may leave the real estate to his sons. Meanwhile the Texas Ranger Marcus Hamilton who is near retirement and his Indian descendant partner Alberto Parker try to anticipate the next move of the thieves.

Source: IMDb


Write It Down!

Judge’s decision

Of course the movie according to the plot is nothing about courts and judges. It is a modern western film, showing two different characters. The bad guy and the “family” guy. The most weird thing is that they are brothers. Although, they both have a “good” reason to do such a business (robbing banks), the director decides to judge both brothers with an indirect way. On the whole, the movie is very good with a inventive scenario, action and humour.

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